Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Best Movie about Robots?

Lowbrow Answer: Transformers
I can't even tell who is fighting who in most of these battle scenes. It's just a big mess of machinery and yelling and explosions. I feel like Michael Bay's answer for any problems during shooting must have been "just blow something up:"

Producer: Michael, there's a huge plot hole on page 45.
Michael: Let's drop a Ferrari onto the Eiffel Tower. That should clear things up.
Producer: ...Okay. And what about the final love scene?
Michael: Have a locomotive crash through an entire squadron of Marine tanks.
Producer: But there are no trains in the script.
Michael: In that case, let's ram a space shuttle into The Lincoln Memorial.
Producer: ...What?

Middlebrow Answer: A.I.
You and every critic in America may hate this movie, but anything that Stanley Kubrick had a hand in creating automatically rises above lowbrow. This film isn't as bad as everyone thinks it is. It's got cyborg gigolos, aliens, fake children, weird talking teddy bears, Ben Kingsley's voice, and all kinds of neon lights. Sounds like one of the sex dreams I've been having lately.

Of course, it does have its problems. It's way too long, the ending is crazy, and I keep expecting Haley Joel Osment to start pointing out dead people. I also don't quite understand the sudden appearance of aliens in the end. It makes about as much sense as a two-legged dog with the head of Martin Van Buren. See what I'm talking about?

Highbrow Answer: Bladerunner
Oh, Ridley Scott. You were so awesome before you got senile and started making movies like "Body of Lies" and "A Good Year." Bladerunner is totally money. It's basically Harrison Ford wandering through shadowy, rainy backdrops contemplating the difference between human and artificial life. Harrison Ford makes anything awesome. They could film him cooking a pot roast for 2 hours and I'd watch.

The movie ends with the famous "Tears in Rain" monologue, which is basically pornography for the highbrow elite. It's raining, it's dark, and a cyborg is speaking his last words before his systems shut down and he is dead forever. BONER. I think maybe only Adorno and Marx tag-teaming Hannah Arendt would give me more of an erection.


  1. Confession: I've never seen Bladerunner. I'll get right on it Jeffy! I do want to be your friend ;)

    Besitos mi amorcito!

  2. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

  3. The word on the street is that they do indeed.
