Has anybody besides me noticed that there is a fighting number of people who carry their blackberries around in their hands? Like, all night. Like, the whole time they're out. Like, they never put it down. I'm talking mostly about women with this one, which is weird because traditionally it's men who like to carry useless shit around in their hands. You know, like guns or NFL tickets or their cocks.
Is your ridiculous little network of digital friends so important that you're utterly terrified of missing one "I LUV YOU, LOL TTYL BRB OMG" text? Let me tell you a little secret: the people texting you are lame. Which means, if you do the math, so are you. By carrying a blackberry around all night, you're basically announcing to the bar: "Please come talk to me until somebody I like more tweets about something stupid." Hmm, what an enticing invitation.
If you're going to carry one, at least have the common courtesy to hide the thing while I'm talking to you. I don't whip out a canvas and some oil paint and start crafting an impressionist work while you tell me about your family, so don't whip out your blackberry and start texting your roommate while I tell you about my irrational fear of clowns.
The bonus of keeping your blackberry in your pocket is you get a little magic every time somebody calls if you have it set to vibrate. Basically, what I'm saying is, it you're talking to me and I suddenly start smiling, it's not because you're funny. It's because my phone is buzzing in my pants and it makes my tinkie-winkie happy.

Technology blows. Why do I need to keep in constant touch with friends? They only distract me from musing on the philosophical irrationalities of religion. Why do I need to be able to check sports scores every minute? It only stops me from furthering my study of Kant's early work. Unless somebody invents a machine that can detect proletariat lifeforms and eliminate them, I'm not interested in technology.
I'm also sick of corporate shitheads trying to make stuff sound cute by giving it childish names. It's a personal computing device and you're calling it a "blackberry?" How obnoxiously adorable. What will they think of next? Maybe we can start calling the Iraq War a "Playdate in the sandbox," or referring to genocide as "frown removal."
old post aside, im new here...ann i've been conscious for almost 50 hours now, almost a new pb.
ReplyDeletenot sure how i found this blog, but i like it alot even tho im Australian and have never shown intrest in anything american other than detroit v8's, bonneville speed trials
a couple dozen overrated and overpowered broads who are batshit crazy, but oh fuck i want to eat jam off your rig jennifer love huge tits..
cheesy one liners in action movies..
yippi ki yay...
M*A*S*H, usual 60's-90's rock muscians etc etc
i can still relate to the majority of your postings due to the amount of tryhard/posers/hipster/philistine's here.. in our cities..
thanks too the internet, re-runs of various media vomit we recive ie: tmz, the hills, jersey shore-lowbrow is not an appropiate term for this bunch of inbred swamp donkeys that destroyed the image for all american-italain's.
by the way, ever stumped on what to blog next about? here's your topic to smite a seething wrath upon. "hello alex trebek, thanks for having me, for 200.... what is the most 'liked' american television show in the past 5 years by people who wish they were cool like the coolest kids in the cinematic cesspool not another teen movie/any other teen movie bs ie: twilight."
incase you didn't notice it's been forever since i last wrote... anything, anywhere. so apologies for all things grammar. i don't dare re-read this.. i know i will end up putting a fork in my eyes if i do.
on topic,
i really like your blog, feels good to read aout your amusing loves and loathes after a day of putting up with a boss and workshop manager who are platnium blonde sisters with personality traits from the stellar cast of 'the hills'
i'll be around.