Are we kidding with this? We are, right? I can't believe that selling bottled water actually exists as a viable way to make money. What a con. I should start packaging sand from the side of the road and selling it to people who don't live near beaches. I'd make a killing as long as I gave my company a pretentious French name. I could call it, "Sande."
The worst part about bottled water is that the people drinking it are the same people who claim to be health-conscious, earth-friendly members of society. Blow me. You're dumping thousands of tons of plastic into landfills, douchebag. Do us all a favor. Get back in your SUV with your lacrosse-playing, Nickelback-loving spoiled kids and your investment-banking, mean-to-his-assistant bastard husband and drive off a cliff. We'll recycle the metal from the wreckage, don't worry.
Okay, I'll admit that it's fun to say the word, "Brita." And sure, filtered water does taste pretty good. And there are no plastic containers, and you're using the water that you pay taxes for. The best filters are the ones where the pitcher has a digital readout on it and a cool plastic encasing. I feel like I'm being served water from the future.
Of course, the Brita commercials conveniently forget to inform you that the filters cost like $250 a pop. What are they using to filter the water? The skin of endangered elephants? A minuscule webbing of blood diamonds? How about this. Just throw a wad of paper in there and I'll give you a dollar. I'm sure the water will come out just as clean.
Remember when everyone in America wasn't a pussy? When children played outside and got smacked if they fucked up? When getting a trophy for "participation" didn't exist and when you had to just sit still during a long car ride instead of watching a DVD? You don't? Really? You're probably too young. Well, I remember it. We were cold in the winter, we used our imagination to play games, and we drank water from the fucking faucet.
I don't understand why people are so afraid of everything. Water from the faucet isn't going to kill you. In fact, most scientists say that by trying so hard to sterilize EVERYTHING these days, we're actually fucking with our ability to naturally build up immunities to everyday sickness. And even if your drinking water does contain carcinogens, shut the hell up and get your cancer like a man. Life is shit anyway. Now THAT'S a highbrow way to see things.
Darling. Brita filter $14. I'm with you though, people are pathetically weak nowaday.
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