Spaceman Spiff is the single worst pilot in the history of space travel. He's always lost, he's always crashing his ship into some desolate rock, and he's always getting attacked by weird creatures. How the hell did he even graduate from the Intergalactic Universe Academy or wherever? He's the underachieving frat-boy douchebag of the Star Fleet.
What's Spaceman Spiff even doing anyway? Just exploring the galaxy? Who is paying for this? Is he on commission? He isn't drawing any maps. He isn't sending any reports home. I don't understand why he's out there. How about he get his lazy ass home and take care of his family. Deadbeat.
Tracer Bullet is some serious shit. He doesn't fuck around. He fights crime, he carries a .38 revolver, and he doesn't take your sass. And he wears a fedora. I need to start wearing one of those. Then maybe my yoga teacher will take me seriously.
On the other hand, Tracer Bullet is a total misogynist and I hate misogynists. They're just as bad as homophobes, racists, and Twilight fans on Team Edward. (I'm sorry, but Jacob is way better. Edward can take his pasty skin and his emo brooding and shove it.) Anyway. To the point. Don't mistreat women. They're really nice people and they let you have sex with them.
Screw cool names and secret identities and moron spacemen. I'll just be a dinosaur. I want to step on stuff and eat Brontosauruses and scare the bejesus out of passing Jurassic Park visitors. A T-Rex is the physical embodiment of every man's dream day-job: wake up, eat red meat, destroy things at will, go to sleep.
Calvin's version of a T-Rex is great because he's all hopped up on testosterone and sugar. I imagine a normal T-Rex is probably pretty docile most of the time, but not Calvin. He's always attacking villagers or eating the Golden Gate Bridge. Destruction is totally highbrow. Fuck creating something new. We're all going to die anyhow, so let's just break stuff until we do.